South Carolina Homeschooling

You've found the best source of information on homeschooling in South Carolina. Look inside to find everything you need to successfully home educate your children, including state laws, support groups, information on homeschooling methods, ideas for special needs homeschooling, and much, much more!

What's Popular
South Carolina Homeschooling Discussion
The South Carolina Homeschooling Discussion Group is for SC homeschoolers, those thinking about homeschooling in this state, or newcomers to SC who want to learn more.
Together In Education and Support (TIES)
Together In Education and Support (TIES) is a free homeschool support group located in the Dorchester, Colleton, Charleston, and Berkley county areas of South Carolina. They operate in a co-op format, so that every member can contribute. This group was established to provide encouragement, guidance, and support to one another as homeschoolers and friends based upon closely held Christian principles.
Upstate Konos Support Group Email List
Upstate Konos Support Group is a members only Christian based group for families in South Carolina who use the Konos curricula. They help families find other users in their area to communicate and/or co-op with, locate a sales representative for materials & supplies, and answer questions.
Spartanburg Homeschoolers
Spartanburg Homeschoolers is a support group for homeschoolers in the Spartanburg area. They are open to any homeschooling family regardless of ethnicity, faith, lifestyle or home-educating style. Their primary focus is to provide social opportunities for their families.
Charleston Unschoolers
This is an email list designed to connect unschoolers in the Charleston, South Carolina, area.
Ninety Six National Historic Site
The Ninety Six National Historic Site is an area of unique historical significance. The unusual name was given by early traders in the 1700's because they mistakenly believed it was the estimated number of miles to the Cherokee village of Keowee in the upper South Carolina foothills. By the mid-1700's, European colonists found it a favorable place to settle. During Ninety Six's early days, troubles with local Indians increased. In 1760, Cherokees twice attacked Fort Ninety Six, built for the set...
Title 59: Education - Chapter 65 Compulsory Attendance
Section 59-65-10. Responsibility of parent or guardian; notification by school district of availability of kindergarten; transportation for kindergarten pupils. All parents or guardians shall cause their children or wards to attend regularly a public or private school or kindergarten of this State which has been approved by the State Board of Education or a member school of the South Carolina Independent Schools' Association or some similar organization, or a parochial, denominational, or ch...
Upstate Christian Homeschoolers (UCH)
UCH is a homeschool support group designed for Christian families who live in the Spartanburg County, Polk County, and Tryon areas of the Carolinas. They offer curricula support, park days, shared educational classes, Parents' Nights Out, and more.
South Carolina Connections Academy
South Carolina Connections Academy (SCCA) provides a new form of public school that students can attend from home. This is a unique program that combines strong parental involvement, the expertise and accountability of publicly funded education, and the flexibility of online classes. Connections Academy is launching a school in South Carolina in 2008–09 under contract to the South Carolina Connections Academy Charter School. SCCA is South Carolina's very first virtual charter school, authorized ...
Ripley's™ Aquarium
Ripley's™ Aquarium is a 87,000 square foot aquarium located in Myrtle Beach. Visitors are surrounded an all sides by menacing 10 foot sharks as they travel through Dangerous Reef, a 750,000 gallon tank, on the world's longest (330-foot) moving glidepath. Other features include Ray Bay, highlighting a variety of rays from multiple viewing levels and Friendship Flats, where guests touch Atlantic and Southern Cow-Nose Rays and Bonnet-Head sharks. Rainbow Rock offers a view of thousands of brilliant...
South Carolina Department of Education
The South Carolina Department of Education offers this website to provide information and contact information.
A Demographic Portrait of Homeschooling Families in South Carolina
This research presents a demographic portrait of the homeschooling community and families in South Carolina through a 22 question survey administered during the 2010-2011 school year to 751 homeschooling families. It is the first study of its kind conducted in the state since 1992, as well as the largest survey sample to date of South Carolina homeschoolers. The data include 1,584 homeschool students, approximately 10% of all South Carolina homeschoolers, with members of the South Carolina Assoc...
Fort Sumter National Monument
America's most tragic conflict ignited at Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861, when a chain reaction of social, economic and political events exploded into civil war. At the heart of these events was the issue of states rights versus federal authority flowing over the underlying issue of slavery. Fueled by decades of disagreement and confrontation, South Carolina seceded in protest of Lincoln's election and the social and economic changes sure to follow. With Fort Sumter as an unyielding bastion of Fe...
Licensing & State Laws in South Carolina
South Carolina’s multi-stage licensing process allows teens to gradually gain exposure to complex driving situations, easing them into driving over an extended period of time.
Upstate Homeschoolers Unlimited
Upstate Homeschoolers Unlimited is an inclusive homeschool group. They meet for educational activities, socialization, and support.
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Christian Kids Explore Chemistry
These user-friendly, unabashedly Christian, one-year science curriculums for elementary students include teaching lessons, coloring pages, hands-on time, memorization lists, review sheets, creative writing assignments, and a supplemental book list. T...
I Learn Better by Teaching Myself/Still Teaching Ourselves
Take a look at how a homeschooling mother learned to trust her children-and herself-to learn in new ways. Tag along on the journey from the elementary years through high school as this book explore the success and freedom of unstructured learning. Th...
Black Children : Social, Educational, and Parental Environments
Black Children, Second Edition collects current empirical research unique to the experiences and situations of black children and their parents. As the editor emphasizes, "African American children develop a duality for their existence. To be fully f...
Total Language Plus
Total Language Plus is an innovative curriculum focused on teaching thinking and communication skills using literature as a base. The authors believe an integrated system is more efficient than a fragmented approach, discovery style learning is the m...
Waldorf Education: A Family Guide
Waldorf Education finds itself catapulted from its humble beginnings 80 years ago into the midst of the central educational and social issues of this decade.What draws parents and educators toward Waldorf Education today? "Waldorf Education - A Famil...
Quote of the Day

To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical.

Thomas Jefferson